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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Upset w/Black lives matter?/watch this
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gort http://www.cnn.com/videos/justice/2017/04/14/g eorgia-gwinnett-county-officers-fired-video-kick-punch-motorist-ekr-orig-vstop.cnn

Black lives matter is a stupid saying. All lives matter, but you can see why the black Community is upset even if the crime numbers show blacks commit more crimes. This video is a stain on all law enforcement. This could have been any persons kid. All this for traffic violations. Hard to defend these two men. They need to be charged with assault.

Thank goodness for cell phone cameras.

This message has been edited by Gort on 04-25-2017 at 07:15 AM

ALLEY CAT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj0mtxXEGE8

** ADULT content > language

StingRayShould be shown in every school from elementary through middle and onto high school .... if parents at home aren;t telling kids this, Chris Rock puts it all into perspective in that video!
Originally posted by Gort:
This video is a stain on all law enforcement.

Because these two bad cops did this, it places a stain on my 37 year career in Law Enforcement?

I don't know them, never worked with them, don't work in the same agency or even the same state, and never did anything like they did. Just because I am a cop, that automatically stains me for something someone I never even heard of does?

CJThere are bad doctors, bad priests, bad teachers, bad politicians, bad police officers, bad people (of all races), etc. etc.

That does NOT mean that all of any of these examples (and more) are "bad". The majority of any of this are great people. Labeling "all" is not right.

StingRayGort simply said it was a "stain" which it is ... we had three Schaumburg cops all on the take here, dealing drugs and other crap that an every day citizen would go to jail for - yes, it put a "stain" on law enforcement in this area - as does anytime you see a "rogue" officer breaking the law 'just because they can' (rolling through stop signs, not using turn signals, riding motorcycle on sidewalk - the list goes on) - they ARE held to a higher standard since taking the job they become role models for our youth - youth grows to be adults. Bad cops make for bad images of law enforcement - or "a stain". Agree - NOT all cops are bad, but these bad ones, like any other bad apple - ruins it for the group.

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